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If you are a consumer...
Panasonic Parts & Service Online for Consumers specializes in Panasonic:

Order Parts & Accessories with just a few mouse clicks...
Purchase Parts & Accessories
Our Parts & Accessories ordering system features up-to-the-minute pricing and availability, secure credit card encryption and order confirmation, for shipment anywhere within the United States.  If you have questions about parts & accessories, try our easy to use feedback form.

Get the Operating Manual for your Panasonic Product...
Locate Operating Manuals
Need to set the timer on your VCR?  Can't locate that operating manual?  Well, now you can use your browser (if you have theAdobe Acrobat Reader ™ installed) to read the operating instructions for most Panasonic products right online.  Or, as an alternative, you can download the PDF file to your PC and read it off-line.  If you prefer the old-fashioned hard-copy, we even make it easy for you to order one.

Check on the status of your order...
Check Order Status
Our Order Status page gives you a way to get information on the status of your order.  You can even link to the carrier's web page and track your order once it has been shipped.

Customer Care Plans (CCP)...
Customer Care
Need an extended service agreement?  Visit our Customer Care Plans page for information about extended service agreements for all consumer products.

Find the nearest Factory or Authorized Servicer...
Locate a Servicer Near You
Need service?  Our Servicer Locator will find Servicers within a specified distance, as well as driving directions and a map.

Search for a Panasonic Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in PDF format...
Find your MSDS documents
Material Safety Data Sheets provide valuable information related to proper disposal of specific parts as well as various other types of technical information. Find your MSDS here.

Frequently Asked Questions...
Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answers to some of the most FAQsabout our web site.

If you are an authorized agent...

Online Part Ordering System...
Online Part Ordering System
Experience real-time part orders, inquiries, and many other features using Panasonic's new Online Part Ordering System.  This system replaces Parts-Link and is completely menu-driven and password protected.

Panasonic Advanced Support System Online...
PASS Online
This system includes the Online Part Ordering System and adds more functionality for Panasonic's Authorized Servicers.  PASS Online allows you to retrieve technical documents, process warranty claims and submit/view technical hints electronically.  This is a password protected, security-limited system.

Quick Reference Guide...
Quick Reference Guide
Identify the most commonly used parts & accessories for most of our product lines with our easy-to-use Quick Reference Guide Search Engine.

Apply for Dealer/Servicer Credit Online...
Online Credit Application
If you are an authorized Panasonic dealer or servicer, you may apply for creditonline.  NOTE: This option is not intended for use by consumers.  You must either sell or service Panasonic products.